Science isn’t just for scientists.

Citizen Science Programs are just that. Scient programs engage the everyday citizen in a way that allows them to contribute to the ongoing science in Antarctica. Participation doesn’t always come from monetary donations. By submitting your photos of whale flukes to Happy Whale or helping Penguin Watch count penguins from satellite photos…you’re assisting science.

A happy whale is a photographed whale. uses images of whale flukes from around the world to identify each individual and then uses other photo submissions to track them. Have a whale fluke photo? Submit it on

Penguin Watch

Counting penguins is something even a five-year-old can participate in to help penguin conservation. You can choose from aerial photos or a timelapse. You simply select from a menu where you would like to help count penguins and you just get to counting. Researchers will use these counts to recognize penguin colony density patterns.

UK Antarctica Heritage Trust

The UKAHT preserves historic buildings and artifacts in Antarctica to help current and future generations discover, understand, value, and protect this precious wilderness. At Port Lockroy, Base A, we welcome visitors throughout the Austral summer to explore the Museum, visit the most southerly Post Office, observe the penguin colony and share the wonders of the white continent’s history.